Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HAPPINESS; What is it? And how come I have not found it yet? These are two questions I continue to ask myself every single day. I used to be a happy child, not a super happy child because I was always picked on, but I at least enjoyed life a little. Then 7th grade rolls around and things start to go downhill. I start to hate certain people in my life that youre supposed to love. I start to rebel in every way possible. I hate life and enter a 5-year depression stage. Awesome right? I finally got away from my past when college came around and HAPPINESS entered into my life; or so I thought. I thought the past was gone forever, but as soon as I got home this past winter break I realized that the past is just that much closer. It still haunts me every day in my house. Every time I hear my mother's voice, I am reminded of what I've done and what has happened to me. And then just last night I got a call from an agency near my town that wanted me to come in for an audition. I began to cry and shake with utter happiness. I had never felt like this before, and finally a smile, a smile that was real gleamed on my face. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. And damn, did this end fast. I told my parents about it and they told me I couldn't go. IT SUCKS WHEN THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE DON'T SUPPORT YOUR DREAM. They never supported my PASSION and LOVE for acting. They never understood it. They just wondered why "Their daughter couldn't do something REAL like accounting or business." What lovely parents right? Bullshit. They just add to the list on why I hate them. It makes me question my drive to make it on stage; why should I keep up with this dream when it's going to be nearly impossible with these two douche bags living in my life? I don't want to give up, I want to keep going. I know that I have talent. I know that I can make it. It would just be so much easier if my parents supported me. They now want me to drop my theatre major at school because "why should they be paying for a bullshit education." Aren't they so sweet? 10 minutes later my mom will act like nothing has happened, but the damage is done. The mean things that came out of her mouth this morning was said and they'll be engraved in my brain for a very long time. Remember mom, I'll never forget the things you say and do to me. I WILL NEVER FORGET THEM. Karma's a bitch.

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