Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Remember that black and white photo I found of the staircase? Well, that is where I found this amazing photo. A picture of a black and white rainbow. So ironic. So beautiful. A rainbow is supposed to be full of color: red orange yellow green blue purple etc. When I first glanced at this photo, I didn't notice the rainbow, because usually a rainbow stands out. And then I went to this website again and I stopped and looked at this photo for more than a minute, and then I realized that that streak on the right is actually a rainbow; a black and white rainbow. Pure genius. A rainbow is a sign of peace, happiness, and a spiritual connection to God. But what does a black and white rainbow signify? The opposite of what a rainbow of color signifies? Its a question that I'm not sure how to answer. It is a very ironic thing. But it amazes me and gets the wheels in my brain to turn. I would love to ask the photographer what his/her reasoning was for taking the picture in black and white. Maybe they wanted to create an ironic situation? But it also leads me to the question: if the world were in black and white, would a rainbow still signify peace, happiness, and a spiritual connection to God? Yes. No. Maybe So.

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