Sunday, March 7, 2010


"Who has never killed an hour? Not casually or without thought, but carefully: a premeditated murder of minutes. The violence comes from a combination of giving up, not caring, and a resignation that getting past it is all you can hope to accomplish. So you kill the hour. You do not work, you do not read, you do not daydream. If you sleep it is not because you need to sleep. And when at last it is over, there is no evidence: no weapon, no blood, and no body. The only clue might be the shadows beneath your eyes or a terribly thin line near the corner of your mouth indicating something has been
suffered, that in the privacy of
your life you have lost
something and the loss is too
empty to share."

-Mark Z. Danielewski

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Remember that black and white photo I found of the staircase? Well, that is where I found this amazing photo. A picture of a black and white rainbow. So ironic. So beautiful. A rainbow is supposed to be full of color: red orange yellow green blue purple etc. When I first glanced at this photo, I didn't notice the rainbow, because usually a rainbow stands out. And then I went to this website again and I stopped and looked at this photo for more than a minute, and then I realized that that streak on the right is actually a rainbow; a black and white rainbow. Pure genius. A rainbow is a sign of peace, happiness, and a spiritual connection to God. But what does a black and white rainbow signify? The opposite of what a rainbow of color signifies? Its a question that I'm not sure how to answer. It is a very ironic thing. But it amazes me and gets the wheels in my brain to turn. I would love to ask the photographer what his/her reasoning was for taking the picture in black and white. Maybe they wanted to create an ironic situation? But it also leads me to the question: if the world were in black and white, would a rainbow still signify peace, happiness, and a spiritual connection to God? Yes. No. Maybe So.


...and if my lungs still let me breathe, will you be there for me?
